International Artist Publishing LLC (USA): Native American Art Magazine names Michael Clawson as Executive Editor

SCOTTSDALE, AZ, May 28, 2021 /24-7PressRelease/ — Native American Art magazine, the leading art magazine devoted to historic and contemporary Native American artwork, has named Michael Clawson as executive editor. In his new position, Clawson will oversee the continued growth and success of the 5-year publication as it caters to a growing base of collectors and readers.

Publishers Adolfo Castillo and Wendie Martin are excited to have Michael on their team. “We feel fortunate to have such a creative and proven executive editor at the helm of Native American Art Magazine. His gravitation toward great artists and their stories bring collectors full circle as they curate exceptional Native American Art.”

Clawson joined International Artist Publishing, the company that publishes the bi-monthly magazine, in 2013 as an assistant editor and quickly rose to the position of deputy editor. He was named interim executive editor in December, before ascending to the full position in May, 2020. Since December he has overseen numerous developments in the magazine, including the roll-out of new sections devoted to two-dimensional art (Paint, Paper & Photography) and the artists of the Northeast (Northeastern Woodlands), as well secured new sponsorships with top galleries, dealers and museums to bring the magazine to even more readers across the country. He played a significant role in bringing Native American Art magazine back as the Official Magazine of SWAIA’s Santa Fe Indian Market, which will take place in August. Additionally, he’s also the lead host on International Artist Publishing’s new podcast, The American Art Collective.

A lifelong journalist, he came to Native American Art magazine as a writer and photographer and has worked for newspapers, magazines and other publications all around the Phoenix area, as well as nationally. While his early background is in news and reporting, later in his career he turned to feature writing in the arts, including 13 years as a movie critic and film reporter. Since joining Native American Art, Clawson has helped boost the magazine’s social media profile, developed a YouTube channel devoted to Native American events and he’s been the prominent face of the magazine at shows, exhibitions and auctions around the country.

“Some of the most exciting artists in the country are Native American, and the materials we’re seeing are just astonishing—from bead and quillwork, to basketry and pottery, to jewelry, carvings, sculpture, fashion and photography. These artists are pushing their artwork in fascinating directions, and I can’t wait for our readers to see what we’re seeing,” Clawson says. “I’m thrilled to be leading this exciting magazine into 2021 and I can’t wait to start returning to events and markets, greeting the artists and dealers, and meeting with the curators as we all head into the rest of this year hopeful and excited about the future.”

Clawson has also been named the executive editor of the magazine’s sister publication, Western Art Collector. Both magazines are published by International Artist Publishing, based in Scottsdale, Arizona.

About International Artist Publishing LLC
International Artist Publishing LLC is the leading art magazine and media company worldwide and is dedicated to “Bringing Art to Every Part of Our Lives.” Its five fine art publications—American Art Collector, Western Art Collector, American Fine Art Magazine, Native American Art and International Artist—have proven track records with their respective art markets by connecting galleries, artists, museums, auctions and events with the most active collectors. The company’s mission is to bring together a team of top industry experts in every genre to grow the art community, provide a strong voice and create a bridge for the collector.

What’s the Reality Behind the Grand Challenges We Face Today: Project VIPIN

SAN BERNARDINO, CA, May 25, 2021 /24-7PressRelease/ — In an exclusive interview, Dr. Gupta explains why Reality is different from the Present, how we can enjoy the Present while letting Mother Nature illuminate her Reality, and the Reality Mother Nature works to illuminate as the solution for the sentient well-being of her children.

Why is Reality different from the Present?
The Present is the reproductive form of the essence that forms the Reality. The Present is the known Reality of the essence of everyone, animate or inanimate. The Reality is multidimensional, comprising seven elementary units.

• First, the thermodynamic force of the known element, servicing its greeter consciousness, greeting us with what is known, so that we may continue our journey to seek the unknown without reproducing what is already known to others who came before us.
• Second, technological growth of the unknown, knowable element, attracting us like a star to incarnate as a creature factor who knows what is known and is a worker working to know the unknown with her work energy.
• Third, multiplier of the known element, so that both the worker factor and the knower factor may join the multiplier who is the manifestor factor and help the manifestor factor focus on guiding the worker factor to move beyond the knower factor by making the knowledge self-luminous to all.
• Fourth, consciousness as the creator factor of the unknown element, which creates a four-unit creator organization, creating strong psychic linkages among the knower factor as the creature, the manifestor factor as the creation, and the creator factor as the creator for empowering the worker to be the Almighty Creator of the unknown into the Reality.
• Fifth, perpetuating value of the known as the perpetuator factor, perpetuating the five-unit entropy of the five potential entities. The five potential entities are the potential worker factor conceiving the known as the unknown, the potential knower factor perceiving the conceived unknown as knowable, the potential manifestor factor experiencing the perceived knowable as the known, the potential creator factor spiritualizing the theoretically known within an ideal knower, and the potential perpetuator factor thermalizing the ideal knower into the masculine consciousness for guiding the feminine perpetuator factor to perpetuate a potential known element. The potential known is the theory that if anyone were to conceive the known as the unknown, someone would potentially know the Reality of the illusion that binds anyone’s masculine consciousness.
• Sixth, the derived realty of the known as the destroyer factor, destroying the six-unit growth in the consciousness about the unknown when each entity becomes accultured to a shared belief system, believing the known to be partially unknown.
• Seventh, the illuminating value of the unknown Reality as the illuminator factor, illuminating the seven-unit sentient entity who is conscious of the Reality transcending the limits of the known Reality. A sentient entity has the omnipresent power to transcend the limits of the known Reality because he is not bound to the present Reality of programming the known as partially unknown.

When the known becomes partially unknown, the entity loses the power of discriminating the Reality that remains unknown and the illusion that erodes the known by transforming that into the unknown to be investigated further.

How can we develop the consciousness of Reality to embrace it joyfully?
As we devote work energy toward illuminating the presumably unknown fraction of the known, we become entangled into the grand challenge of the intellectual property. Does the intellectual property of what is discovered belong to the entity not aware of what is known or the para entity who conceived the known? Do all the children of the conceiving para entity share that intellectual property as the mass consciousness? Or, do only the grandchildren of the perceiving child entity share that intellectual property as the paternal consciousness? Do those grandchildren share the discredit of their paternal child entity sacrificing the six-unit growth, transforming the 10-unit mass consciousness into the 4-unit paternal consciousness for their private social benefit? Do all the children share the credit of Mother Nature as the para entity conceiving the known for their social benefit?

If what is known within the present consciousness of the universe deserves no credit, such as the Nobel Prize or references in the academic journals or the patent filings, why would anyone invest their work energy to know about that? Does the fact that someone has the privilege of resources to invest their work energy into knowing the secrets within Mother Nature’s womb give the right to accumulate additional resources by attracting disproportionate resources from others who lack such privilege?

More fundamentally, why someone gains the linear privilege of resources for the nonlinear, disproportionate growth of resources? One acquires resources when the exchange rate of work energy is in their favor. Each child has the freedom to devote their work energy for their conscious well-being, making conscious decisions about where to invest their nonlinear, divine energy for making an impact through their divinity. Any adult may decide that he will take care of the children and be their God, as long as the children are devoted to him and his well-being.

Thus, an adult who conceives the “I am a deity consciousness” (Pavitratma, 1) as a doctrine for guiding his behavior may exchange his illusion of oneself as the “deity” (Deva, 1), embodying all the “worker factors” (Shudra, 1). He may illuminate the “unknown reality” (Vastavikta, 7 = 5 + 2) of him as the “para deity” (Ishvara, 5), by adding the four-unit “paternal consciousness” (Pitra, 4) and his devotees as the “super deity” (Jiva, 2), enjoying the masculine half of his consciousness. The para deity is “God” (Ishvara, 5), whose Reality remains mysteriously unknown to all the devotees and allows him to benefit from the work each devotee is doing using their sentient energy.

The “para deity gravity” (Anahata, 53: 5  3) is “God’s” (Ishvara, 5) consciousness of the “multiplier” (Vaishya, 3) without HIM. It diffuses the consciousness of God as the King of the deities” (Indra, 0) in the form of a full “macroscopic circle” (Ghatikamandala, 53), seeking to conceive the multiplier within God. It organizes each entity as just a “number” (Sankhya, 53) servicing the charmed “sonship” (Pratyach, 53) element in the form of their “human force” (Lingam, 53). It helps God cleanse HIS polluted “paternal consciousness” (Pitra, 4) with the “cleansing grandmaternal consciousness” (Jyotistava, 4) traded from Mother Nature, devoted to the sentient well-being of the person God is as well as the universe of grandchildren he seeks to guide as the Father.

In the present times of COVID-19 pandemic and other grand challenges, we call out God most for blessing the “soul” (Atma, 4) of the departed. The soul is the entity’s “maternal consciousness” (Chaithanya, 4), inherited by the entity from his “primordial masculine self” (Shri Krishna, 10), before the six-unit growth that makes the entity a “primeval deity” (Maheshwara, 6). A primeval deity is a creative force, capable of reproducing the six-unit growth for manifesting the ten-unit mass consciousness and the twelve-unit self-luminous element within each entity by servicing the “destroyer factor” (Mahesha, 6) for destroying their illusionary theory of mind about the perpetuating value of God. By further activating the consciousness of the “primordial feminine self’ (Parvati, 10), each copy of the primeval deity enjoys the 16-unit intrinsic “divine light” (Usha, 16). Using intrinsic divine light, one enjoys the 16-unit “conscious consciousness” (Prashantatma, 16) of one’s divinity, without being a copy of the primeval deity.

What’s the Reality? Is it Knowable within the Present, even if it was Unknown in the past?
By radiating the “gravitational light” (Digambara, 100) of the “conscious consciousness” (Prashantatma, 16), one develops the power to exchange the “present consciousness” (Paramatma, 1600). By embodying the present consciousness without the numerical fragmentation of one into a deity, that attracts a primeval deity to repel a zero-unit theory for destroying the zero-unit King, one becomes the “param deity” (Shiva, 7 = 1 + 6 + 0 + 0).

For a param deity, the “reality” (Vastavikta, 7) is free of the unknown element because it is immanent within HIM. That Reality is the “queen” (Rani, 7) of his heart, his “primordial self” (Parvati, 10), embodying their “param son” (Hanuman, 3) in her invisible womb.

The param son trades the known “perpetuating value” (Saranyu, 5) to “embody” (Kartikeya, 3 + 5) “Mother Nature” (Kudrat, 8) as his “essential nature” (Anatanam, 8). Without revealing his “divinity” (Siddhi, 57), he adds himself to everyone’s “conscious consciousness” (Prashantatma, 16), radiating as “energy” (Shakti, 19 = 3 + 16), multiplying his “impact” (Siddhi, 57 = 19 * 3), to let the “primordial self” (Parvati, 10) service a new “cultural system” (Akalpa, 570 = 57 * 10). The new cultural system shifts the consciousness of the “divine apparatus” (Jangamavisha, 570), behaving like the archaeon by gifting the “absolute human-effect” (Ganesha, 570) that behaves like the ester bond.

By developing the consciousness of the “embodied personal reality” (Dvyartha, 400) through oneness with the “primeval deity” (Maheshwara, 6), one behaving like “God” (Ishvara, 5), becomes the “causal body” (Karana sharira, 30) “blessing” (Ashirwad, 1000) everyone with the “sentient energy” (Varuna, 1000 = 570 + 400 + 5 * 6). The sentient energy is the astral energy a “star” (Tara, 2) behaving as God radiates in the form of the cold sentient gas that “springs” (Vasanta, 811) open the “conscious” (Ojas, 189 = 1000 – 189) element within everyone.

COVID-19 pandemic and other natural and supernatural challenges we face today are a consequence of the cold sentient gas that is working to spring open a new consciousness by making everyone conscious of our responsibility. We all have the responsibility to further our social, human, ecological, economic, national, and psychological well-being, without globalizing our ideal-effect. We all have the responsibility to appreciate the global, unique, inclusive, diverse, engaged, and responsible behaviors, without localizing our behaviors through institutionally-mediated theory-effect.

We all have the responsibility to consciously determine the virtue of what comes into our imagination using our intuition if we wish to enjoy the blessings of Mother Nature for our excellence as her beloved child. That’s the secret of the SHEENY, i.e., the sentient or conscious element, the GUIDER, i.e., the gravitational or wisdom element, and the DIVINE, i.e., the mood or time element. These three elements are the source of the five commonly known elements—the fire, the water, the air, the earth, and the ether. Together, they constitute the octave of elements that constitutes the “inanimate one” (Ek, 1). It unfolds the seven-fold Reality from the womb of Mother Nature as the eighth fold.

How to get hold of the first four books in Project Vipin?
The first four books What is Divine Energy, What is Present Reality, Is Present Reality, and Is Divine Energy are now available in full and Nutshell editions on Amazon and elsewhere as paperback, hardcover, digital, and audible forms. Two more books, What is Consciousness and What is Para Consciousness, are being launched this week.

Professor Vipin Gupta is a professor of management and a co-director of the Center for Global Management at the Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration, California State University, San Bernardino. Dr. Gupta has a Ph.D. in managerial Science and applied economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

About Professor Dr. Vipin Gupta

What is Divine Energy: The Power of Managing the Science of Everything

What is Present Reality: The Power of Managing the Limits of Science

Is Present Reality: The Super-Science of the Transcendental Value … B08WV8KNMR

Is Divine Energy: The Secret of the Limitless Immanent Value

VersaCoin™ Added to the P2PB2B Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform

VersaCoin™ now offers more trading pairs via the ultra-secure and diverse P2PB2B multi-currency exchange and will continue to list VCN on more exchanges soon.

P2PB2B is security-focused and also utilizes WAF (Web Application Firewall) that detects and blocks hacker attacks. In fact, the platform is noted as the world’s 12th most Trusted Core crypto exchange.

BIRKIRKARA, MALTA, May 12, 2021 /24-7PressRelease/ — The VersaCoin™ Community is consistently growing and easing the buying, trading, selling, and cashing in of alt-coins with greater diversity through recent additions to the VINDAX exchange and the VCN/USDT and VCN/BTC pairs. VersaCoin™ continues elevating community member’s options by joining the P2PB2B multi-currency exchange.

P2PB2B supports more than 200 cryptocurrencies along with fiat money including USD, BTC, ETH, and others. This powerful platform has been designed in accordance with OWASP Top 10 Standards, storing over 95% of coins in cold wallets for added protection and account control for users.

“P2PB2B is security-focused and also utilizes WAF (Web Application Firewall) that detects and blocks hacker attacks. In fact, the platform is noted as the world’s 12th most Trusted Core crypto exchange according to CER ratings.” — VersaCoin™ Community Member and Public Relations Director, Maltiba Ibn

With a streamlined interface, live dedicated support and some of the lowest exchange rates and fees in the market, P2PB2B is ideal for both new and experienced crypto investors. This high-performance platform offers processing speeds of up to 10,000 trades per second across one million TCP connections.

VersaCoin™ promotes diversity and is a self-governed, decentralized, community-managed project and is also in talks with other exchanges and platforms to add VersaCoin™ to their arsenal. We are seeking Contributors to “HELP” Build the VersaCoin Community Project and we are willing to compensate you in VCN Coins for your efforts!

While maintaining VersaCoin™ as an open-source project, our aim to contribute on a global level to help build eCommerce and community through personal responsibility and self-governance is one thing missing in the world’s online world today. Joining this movement and being a contributor is the creative force that allows us to realize a vision as a community.

VersaCoin™ now trades on VINDAX exchange under VCN/BTC and VCN/USDT trading pairs. VersaCoin™ promotes diversity and support amid the alt-coin community and is also in talks with other exchanges to add VersaCoin™ to expand its platform to other exchange markets around the world.

Meet The Octopus

Octopus network is a cryptonetwork for launching and running Web3.0 application specific blockchains, aka appchains. By decreasing the capital expenditure for bootstrap an appchain by two orders of magnitude, from several million dollars to less than one hundred thousand dollars, Octopus Network is committed to unleash an innovation wave of Web3.0.

An Octopus appchain gets advantages from both being an autonomous blockchain and a member of a well connected network with rich services and facilities to utilize.

The core technologynology of Octopus Network is trust minimal blockchain interoperability, which explored by Cosmos IBC, NEAR Rainbow Bridge and many others. Based on interoperability, Octopus Relay, which itself is a set of smart contracts running on NEAR blockchain, provides leased security to appchains, and make appchain interoperable with NEAR and other appchains. Furthermore, appchain can interoperate with blockchains outside the Octopus Network, either via bridges on NEAR, such as with Ethereum via Rainbow bridge, or they could utilize the out-of-the-box IBC pallet to connect with any IBC enabled blockchains directly.

Anyone can provide security to a appchain by staking $OCT token in Octopus Relay. After that, he should set up and run a validator node for this appchain, and the node will sync validator set from Octopus Relay. Then all validator nodes for one appchain will form a quorum to reach consensus on block production, be rewarded by appchain native token issuing. If one or some validators act maliciously in the consensus process, any honest node could submit a fraud proof to Octopus Relay to challenge them. Once the fraud proof is confirmed, the staked $OCT belongs to malicious actors will be slashed. By this mechanism, appchain’s security is economically ensured by $OCT staking in Octopus Relay.

Octopus network website:

PiscoLogía Announces Launch of Spanish Version of Virtual Pisco Certificate Course

SPOKANE, WA, May 18, 2021 /24-7PressRelease/ — The Pisco Certificate Course, created and maintained by PiscoLogía Pisco, is now available in the Spanish language. The interactive online training includes assessment, forums and certification, in addition to offering pisco-related English-language training. To celebrate the launch, the course will be available for free for all students.

“After successfully launching the Pisco Certificate Course in English, we became acutely aware of the demand for a version in Spanish. Now Spanish-speakers from around the globe can become enriched by our program. We hope to translate and localize content in more languages in the future, as our goal is to make information about the clear spirit more accessible to the entire world,” said Meg McFarland, founder of the Pisco Certificate Course.

In addition to the 29 lessons and their corresponding activities, quizzes, and exams, the course offers English lessons for Spanish-speaking students. “It is our hope that the English vocabulary and listening comprehension activities will give Spanish-speakers more tools so they can teach others about pisco. This, in turn, will help continue to spread the word about this fine spirit,” said Kami Kenna, co-founder of PiscoLogía and the Certificate Course.

The course is available for free for a limited time in both languages. Students can register at: Please send an email to for more information.

About PiscoLogía

PiscoLogía Quebranta, a single-variety Peruvian pisco, recently won a gold medal at the Women’s Wine and Spirits Awards in London.

PiscoLogía Acholado, a blend of Italia and Quebranta piscos, was awarded a gold medal at the SIP Awards in California. Both piscos are crafted in the Denomination of Origin of Lima (Azpitia) by Master Distiller Nati Gordillo.

About the Pisco Certificate Course

Launched in October, 2020, the Certificate Course is the first online program to offer certification in pisco. The program digs deeply into the subject of Peruvian pisco and includes lessons on how to conduct a pisco tasting, pairing, history, cocktail making and more.

White label NFT Marketplace by Blockchain App Factory for unique NFTs

CHENNAI, INDIA, April 22, 2021 /24-7PressRelease/ — The rife of NFT and its attractive features inspire a wide range of audience and artefacts collectors by its ability to tokenize the unique assets. The digital representation of unique assets and their special characters adds intrinsic value to the unique assets that cost millions. NFTs spike in the crypto market and its manipulation of industries attract huge investors and entrepreneurs to launch a unique NFT marketplace to reap the benefits of NFTs. Some marketplace owners have chosen their unique vertical for the creation of NFTs like art, sports, games, pets, tweets, etc.

Developing an NFT marketplace from scratch costs time and money. Blockchain App Factory offers a fully equipped White label NFT marketplace development platform that enables the instant launch of the NFT marketplace for the user. The white-labelled solution comprises customization, wallet integration, Metamask integration and other API integrations with trade charts to indicate the price fluctuations and arrival of new NFT trends.

Our White label NFT marketplace also can be developed under multiple technologies like Polkadot, Polygon, Ethereum, Tron EOS, NEO, Binance smart chain, etc. The White label NFT marketplace is also integrated with popular auction portals. Its bidding system increases the value of your NFT.

The following are white-labelled NFT marketplace development platforms offered by Blockchain App Factory:

NFT Marketplace for Games
NFT Marketplace for Arts
NFT Marketplace for Sports
NFT Marketplace for Virtual Lands
NFT Subscription Platform
NFT Auction Portal

Blockchain App Factory, the significant blockchain business developer in the crypto market that offers a wide range of white-labelled solutions for the empowerment of crypto business.