These images come from Family Fandango, who laments, “Does this ALWAYS work? NO! But at least it gives me something to point at when I’m trying to get him moving…”

Wake up time! Lisa says there are three things Harry needs to do before heading downstairs: 1. Wake up 2. Go to the bathroom 3. Get dressed

The top piece of paper includes a list of the privileges Harry loses if he doesn’t follow through: No TV, no books at bedtime, no iPad on the weekend.

The sign on the wall reminds him to pick out his clothes for the next day before getting into bed…


Effortless stationery: memorial sales promotional goods and name putting stationery
Jan 19, 2017 – Stationery has been used for a long time. Even children are used when studying at school, and even when drawing at home.

Effortless stationery: a good way to use the schedule book
May 30, 2017 – Schedule book Good way to use. Leave it to information on stationery and schedule books!

Effortless stationery: attention when giving stationery
Some business partners have refused gifts among companies. So, even around meetings and greetings, sometimes you are refused when bringing sweets etc, so a gift that is not rude …